Download|Free|Apk|TubeMate YouTube Downloader v1.05.39 (1.05.39) build 235 AdFree Android Apk App

TubeMate YouTube Downloader v1.05.39 build 235 AdFree

Requirements By Download Apk Files | Android Apps | Android Market | Android v2.1+

Overview: TubeMate tool Enjoy YouTube(, related videos, favorites Download m SD various qualities


[TubeMate - The fastest most famous YouTube downloader]

<B>[WARNING] There are many virus lications(ad-wares) named “TubeMate” market. They are harmful. Please get real TubeMate at  safety.</B>

* Visit  get latest TubeMate because TubeMate will disear from market.

[The original fast download technology]

* Fast download mode( mulple connections a download)

* Mulple download resolion options

* Background, mul-download

* Resume download

* Convert MP3 (pored by MP3 Media Converter)

* Playlist video/audio(pored by Meridian Player)

* Share video finds via Google Buzz, Twitter e-mail at tap of a bton

* YouTube search related videos suggestions

* Save favorite videos YouTube account, create playlists

TubeMate YouTube Downloader enables quickly access, search, share, download YouTube videos.

Because download alwa hens background, go watch YouTube, surf Internet, teng, listen music download.

[Available resolions]

1920×1080(Full-HD): GalaxyTab, Galaxy S2, PC

1280×720(HD): high-end devices

640×360: general devices

320×240: low-end devices

640×360, 854×480(FLV) : Android 2.1 over

( available options depend quality of uploaded video device)

Special Thanks Translation volunteers:

HendriX(Italiano), Ainomx(Spanish), Szymon(Polish), s_h(Hebrew), nivp(Hebrew), Tobias(German), Educolnago(Portuguese-Brazil), Jano(Czech, Slovak), Roan67(French), Gadrinium(Japanese), Rob(Dch), Adigehalil(Turkish), Mobde3(Arabic), Olina(Chinese), Per(Danish), Dennis(Dch), Marcio(Portuguese), William(Sdish), Fedor(Czech, Slovak) Horvath(Hungarian), Suurmeijer(Dch), Techiebird(English)

KW: TubeMate, YOUTUBE DOWNLOADER, TUBEX, JetVD, Freedi, YouTube Music Video, TubeMate, YouTube MP3 Converter, YouTube Video Downloader, TubeMate, YOUTUBE DOWNLOADER, TUBEX, JetVD, Freedi, YouTube Music Video, TubeMate, YouTube MP3 Converter, YouTube Video Downloader, TubeMate, YOUTUBE DOWNLOADER, TUBEX, JetVD, Freedi, YouTube Music Video, TubeMate, YouTube MP3 Converter, YouTube Video Downloader, TubeMate, YOUTUBE DOWNLOADER, TUBEX, JetVD, Freedi, YouTube Music Video, TubeMate, YouTube MP3 Converter, YouTube Video Downloader

Recent changes:


- Fix change of YouTube

(privous versions will not work anymore.)


- Show progress of merg files.


- Fix 403 Response Error.

Less description »

Latest version: 1.05.39 build 235 ( Android version up 2.3)

T has NO adversement

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