Download|Free|Apk|SetCPU for Root Users v3.0.7

ҩҩ SetCPU a tool chang CPU setngs a rooted Android phone tablet, includ Galaxy Nexus, HTC series, Nexus S, Nexus , Motorola Droid, Samsung Galaxy series, most devices. 're under control: SetCPU improve permance, save battery, both! ҩҩ Aomate SetCPU profiles! SetCPU allows set up porful profiles change setngs under certain conditions, such runn, when phone asleep charg, when battery level drops below a certain point, when phone's temperature too high, dur certain times of . See screenshots examples of how might set up profiles. ҩҩ SetCPU's wide feature set it useful Android beginners enthusiasts alike. Accelerate processor unleash phone's true multask potenal, dial CPU's speed down save battery. ҩҩ SetCPU also includes a "voltage control" menu, available certain devices custom kernels support it, control undervolng save even more battery. Keep mind undervolng available certain kernels. ҩҩ Download link: ҩҩ
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