Download|Free|Apk|[FREE][GAME] Labyrinth

If mazes I just p online my free : Labyrinth. Labyrinth creates endless maze different levels of difficulty. It 'free. find it at: ҩҩ ҩҩ Unique features: Use fer find exit. Random generation of maze. Solve bton. ҩҩ 1. PLAY ҩҩ - sleplayer. ҩҩ - 4 levels. ҩҩ - infinite maze. ҩҩ - solve bton. ҩҩ 2. Description ҩҩ labyrinth a classic of puzzle which consists road leads from inp box box . t parcular cont entry, of yellow color, placed left side of labyrinth while p, of green color, located opposite side. t version find directly use of h if it re a pen. Just draw screen ab path want follow draw us path, with hav keep fer position of head of path itself, help us find a better way. track will ear maze path path drawn yellow indicate have not reached exit. case come a dead end it necessary retrace steps try a path. When reach exit path re turns green. If not find exit, draw same by access menu click Solve bton. ҩҩ Enjoy it!
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